In:China Monitor

Your eyes on the Chinese luxury market


Discover the state of luxury in China

The state of luxury in China is the mirror of consumer sentiment around spending behavior in the recent months.

Are western luxury brands well-prepared for the road ahead?
Find out about the new luxury trends in China in the latest issue of our In:China Monitor

The latest available data about the sector and its trends

The current available industry data, trends and Global Web Index platform data, as well as an analysis of the second quarter of Chinese luxury spenders responses from a selection of surveys outputs from different Chinese research centers.

Emerging Chinese luxury brands' strategies

An exclusive selection of emerging Chinese luxury brands where we illustrated their best performing marketing and sales strategies, in order to learn from in-market domestic competitors, which know and understand the target consumer base.

Expert Bites

Interviews with long-time international experts of made-in-Italy and luxury to learn about the future of this sector in China.

About In:China Monitor

Launched in 2020, the In:China Monitor is the only market-specific report offering insights based on first-hand data from China, allowing brands to benchmark their performance in the industry against updated indicators of local relevance.